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Tuesday 23th April 2024

​"​History in the Kitchen, from precepts to reality"

​The event “History in the Kitchen, from precepts to reality” took place on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at the Amalpheat cooking school in Baronissi. The event, conceived by Carlo Mendozzi Foundation, in synergy with the Salerno Medical School Foundation, with the participation of the Trotula de Ruggiero Foundation-Preventive Medicine Study Center and the Medical School Lounge, had three aspects: historical, health-related and gastronomic

​It was the first edition of an event born with the aim of becoming an annual event and which in its first edition put six amateur chefs, historian enthusiasts and doctors in the kitchen, to collaborate together, in a good-natured non-professional challenge, “rivaling” between six dishes representing over ten centuries of medical history. The amateur chefs were guided by the experience and watchful eye of Engineer Pietro Rispoli, a professional chef from Salerno

​The must of the event was to prepare simple, healthy dishes that respected the dictates of the medical school itself, obviously or updated, or to respond to modern scientific knowledge. Great emphasis was given to spices and medicinal herbs, which still find their focal point in the Giardino della Minerva, the flagship of the Fondazione Scuola Medica Salernitana.

​ Emphasis has been given, as far as possible, to the original aphorisms, spices and medicinal herbs, which still today find their focal point in the Garden of Minerva, the flagship of the Fondazione Scuola Medica Salernitana; the precepts support the dose as a distinction between the concept of medicine (centuries later we will speak of a drug) and poison, thanks also to the ancient Spice Shops and Pharmacy present in Palazzo Galdieri, home of the Fondazione Scuola Medica Salernitana

​ Honorary Committee chaired by Prof. Giuseppe Lauriello, emeritus head physician; Dr. Ermanno Guerra, Delegate for Culture of the Municipality of Salerno, Hon. Dr. Enrico Indelli President of the Salerno Medical School Foundation, Dr. Guglielmo Borsellino President of the Trotula Foundation - Preventive Medicine Study Center, Dr. Francesca Mendozzi President of the Carlo Mendozzi ETS Foundation. 

​ The location of this first scientific - historical - culinary meeting is at the Amalpheat Cooking School, located in via dei due Principati, 93 in Baronissi, in the Acquamela district, managed by Dr. Lucia Di Mauro and her staff.