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The Carlo Mendozzi Foundation – ETS also defined with the acronym FCM ETS, is a non-profit organization and was set up with the aim of honoring the memory of Carlo Mendozzi in a worthy and lasting way so that his legacy, made up of civil and human values, can be preserved. The Foundation intends to achieve these aims through the pursuit of civic solidarity and social utility purposes.  


The Foundation is administered by a Board of Directors, supported by a Technical Committee, and under the control of a legally authorized person, and carries out its activity in conformity and under the observance of the rules contained in the Statute.  

​The Technical Committee will have the task of supporting the work of the Board of Directors and collaborates with it, in a non-binding manner, in relation to the guidelines, programs and activities of the Foundation, as well as in the formulation of the multiannual programmes and the verification of their implementation. Formulates proposals for the appointment of experts to be appointed for specific purposes, interventions and/or activities.  

​The verification of the Foundation's activities is exercised by a control body composed of a single effective member chosen from the categories of subjects referred to in article 2397, paragraph II, of the civil code, and to which article 2399 of the civil code applies. The control body supervises compliance with the law and the statute and compliance with the principles of correct administration, also with reference to the provisions of the legislative decree of 8 June 2001, n. 231, if applicable, as well as on the adequacy of the organisational, administrative and accounting structure and on its concrete functioning. It also exercises accounting control if a person in charge of the statutory audit of the accounts is not appointed or in the event that one of the members of the control body is a statutory auditor entered in the appropriate register.  

The control body also performs tasks of monitoring the observance of civic, solidarity and social utility purposes. 

The Board of Directors meets on the invitation of its Chairman or at the request of at least two members. The convocation shall be brought to the attention of all those entitled with the modalities deemed most suitable and documented, with the indication of the place and the agenda to be treated.  Attendance by delegation is not allowed. The Board meets at least twice a year, is chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and is validly constituted when the majority of the members are present and acts by a majority of those present, but with a minimum of three votes in favor. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.  With particular reference to the tasks of the Board of Directors, it holds all the powers necessary for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Foundation. It is in its power to issue regulations governing the activities of the Foundation.   
The Board of Directors appoints the Control Body and the accounting Auditor, if not appointed at the time of establishment of the foundation. The Board of Directors may also delegate part of its powers to the President and/or to one or more Delegated Directors. 
Participation in the Board of Directors is a free office, subject to the reimbursement of expenses incurred, provided that they are duly justified, the modalities of which will be governed by internal rules of the foundation. 
The member of the Board of Directors who infringes the founding principles may be excluded by a resolution of the Board itself after consulting the Board of Auditors. 

​ The Board of Directors, composed of 5 (five) members, lasts until 31/12/2025, electing as members the ladies: 
1. Francesca Mendozzi - Chairman
2. Paola Mendozzi - adviser
3. Carla Buccino- ​adviser
4. Giulia Buccino- ​adviser
5. Roberta Buccino– ​adviser